Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Oh my how time flies!!!!

Wow, so my last post was almost three weeks ago. What a slacker! But, I have lots of excuses, lots! The most important was that we were in Disneyland!  Cars land was sooooo cool. Love the decor!  I came home with a cold - woohoo.  Actually, I came down with the cold before we even went, but I was fighting it tooth and nail....cold won!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Gromit Visits the Dr.

Gromit had a vet visit the other day and all is great!  His weight is right on, his eyes and ears are looking good.  His coat is fantastic.  Then they had to draw blood for his heart worm test.  He did fantastic and we got the call and everything is great.  The funny thing is, just like last year, the vet asked if I brushed Gromit's teeth.  Well, no I don't.  But, he has the best 4 year old Boxer teeth she has ever seen.  That made me smile!  We started talking about what ever it is that I am doing different (as Boxers are known for yucky teeth) and I told her that he gets Elk and Deer antlers to chew on.  No, don't be silly, he is not running around with a rack hanging out of his mouth, just sections.  He loves them and I highly recommend them!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

There is so much that I am thankful for, family, friends, my wonderful husband, and Gromit.  Gromit came into my life when I didn't even know I needed him.  He has been the pain in my butt and the smile on my face, sometimes at the same time!

Thank you to everyone I have met because of him and thank you to everyone that I will meet because of him!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Santa...In October?

Santa...In October, what about November?

Sure, why not!  You know the holidays are creeping up fast...are you ready?  Let us help you knock one of those items off your holiday to-do list!

How about a fun holiday in studio session with lots of holiday props for up to two pups?  What else you ask?  How about 2 for 1 on custom 5 x 7 either flat or folded holiday cards (with envelopes) .  That's right, choose 50 flat cards and receive 100 or choose 25 folded cards and receive 50.

Make this holiday season original and fun!

The Holiday session special runs one week only,  November 3 through November 10, 2012.

Call today to make your appointment!  650-245-8530


Studio is located in Half Moon Bay, CA.  No exceptions!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

I've walked this area so many times...I have never seen the graffiti in the culvert.  It's been there for a while too.  I had to photograph Gromit sitting in front of it.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Stormy's Ruff Day

I had fun putting this together.  Thanks Animoto for making it so easy!

Stormy's Ruff Day

Friday, September 28, 2012

Barking Lot Party

Hey all you doggie lovers, what are you doing Saturday, September 29th from 12:00 to 3:00. Come on down to New Leaf Half Moon Bay's Barking Lot Party. A free event to benefit the Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA. I will be there taking pics of your pet for $10.00 all proceeds go to the Peninsula Humane Society, you will get a fabulous 4 x 6 print. There will be lots of other pet professionals there to answer your questions. You can meet adorable adoptable pets and enter a pet contest for Cutest, Oldest, Best Dressed and Most Unique.  Lots of freebies for your pet and $2.00 hotdogs for you!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

International Print Competition

Local Photographer’s Work Goes to International Exhibition
Diane Costello of Diane K. Costello Photography is honored by peers and jurors for high-quality photography.

Half Moon Bay, CA – August 25, 2012 --- Photographs created by Diane of Diane K. Costello Photography in Half Moon Bay, CA has recently been accepted into the General Collection of Professional Photographers of America’s 2012 International Photographic Competition.  Costello’s work will be on display at the Georgia World Congress Center, January 20-22, 2013 in Atlanta, GA.  This International Photographic Exhibition is held in conjunction with Imaging USA, an annual convention and expo for professional photographers and several photographic associations.

A panel of 43 eminent jurors from across the United States selected the top photographs from nearly 5,000 total submitted entries at Gwinnett Technical College in George.  Judged against a standard of excellence, just over 1,800 images were selected for the General Collection and just 476 (about 10 percent) were selected for the esteemed Loan Collection – the best of the best.  The Loan Collection images will all be published in the much-anticipated “Loan Collection” book, and over 200 selected General Collection images will be published in the “Showcase” book by Marathon Press.

Titled “Dinner is Served”,  “Bah-Hum-Bug” and  “Ya’ Wanna Play?”, Costello’s photographs will be in the International Photographic Exhibition alongside other top photographic works from the competition and traveling and special invitational displays.  These images constitute one of the world’s largest annual exhibits of professional photography gathered simultaneously under one roof.

About Professional Photographers of America
Professional photographers of America (PPA) is the largest international non-profit association created by professional photographers, for professional photographers.  Almost as long-lived as photography itself, PPA has roots back to 1869.  It has never stopped growing and looking for new ways to assist its now 24,000 members through protection, education and resources for their continued success in the industry.  See why photographers love PPA at www.ppa.com

Contact:  Diane K. Costello


It's that time of the week again.  We are already in September and fall is in the air.  Nights are cooler, days a getting a little bit shorter and even though it seems early, now is the time to start thinking about your holiday cards.  If you are thinking about doing something fun, something christmasy, something funny, traditional, quirky or something that is more holiday and not specific now is the time to put that plan to work.  Give us a call with your ideas, let make a plan and get those cards.

We have a lot of things coming up, but the biggie is taking place on September 29th where we will be at New Leaf for a Barking Lot Party to help raise money for the Peninsula Humane Society.  I am planning on setting up a photo booth.  For just $10.00, you will get a lovely 4 x 6 photography of your doggie in a white matte printed right there on the spot.  The Peninsula Humane Society will get 60% or in this case $6.00 for every picture sold.  The rest just covers my costs.  This event will be fun!  Keep an eye out for more information!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Puppies, Puppies and More Puppies

Oh My Gosh!  I had the best day on Monday!  A wonderful couple came over with their 7 Rat Terrier puppies.  These puppies were the greatest.  They were super cute and incredibly well behaved for 8 weeks old.  I just love puppies!  Their look, smell, the cute little sounds they make, their curiosity, everything!  Here are a couple of images from their session!  How can you not just fall in love with these little faces?



It is the last day in August.  School has started for everyone here on the coast.  Traffic is horrible in the mornings but that will iron itself out within the next week or so.  We are entering our true sunny summer here.  September and October are usually the best time for sunshine, sunsets, beautiful walks on the beach, or in our case chases and runs.  It is time to start thinking about your holiday cards.  Do you want to do photos, do you want to be serious or funny.  Beachy or cheesy.  Start thinking about what you want to do.

Have a great Labor Day weekend!  Drive safe!

Don't forget...DO NOT leave your pets in the car in the baking sun!  Take them with you or leave them at home!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Woof • Woof • Wednesday

It had been a fun and buys past couple of days.  This past Saturday we were at the Peninsula Humane Societies 17th Annual Mutt Strutt.  We met so many pups and their peeps.  Really, all Gromit wanted to do was chase the Geese.  Poor guy!  Anyway, there were all sorts of vendors and we were one of them.  I brought and shared a couple dozen photographs printed and on canvas, along with some story books and accordion "brag" books.  We had a fabulous time.  There was a Fly Ball demonstration which was very cool to watch!  The weather was nice, a little windy, but sunny.  We even had a drawing and Gromit picked the winner....
We spoke with the winner the day she was announced.  We can't wait to meet her and her pup!

Remember, socializing is not only great for your doggie, it is great for you too!  Go out meet some new puppy peeps and enjoy your day!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


This evening my blog post is going to be much more personal.  I am still not sure if I should cry or jump up and down for joy.  Let me back up to Monday.  Monday I had to go in for a Colonoscopy.  This evening, at 6:30pm my Dr.  called...with both good news and, well, some not so great but really great news....I know - right, that makes no sense at all.  What he told me is that one of the polyps that had been removed during the procedure came back with pre-cancerous cells.  He told me that I was very lucky and that if I had waited even 6 more months that this could have easily turned into full blown invasive colon cancer.  Am I jumping up and down - yes....am I still shaking from the information - yes!  I do believe that things happen for a reason.  Don't put off those tests that you should have done, or in a lot of cases should have had done!!!  6 months is a long time and yet it is just a blink of an eye in the grand scheme of things.  I have to go back in December for a complete follow-up.  Am I still scared - YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT!  Am I relieved - YOU BETTER BELIEVE THAT TOO!  

Wednesday, August 8, 2012



I'm gonna toot my little horn here for just a minute - because I am really excited and surprised!

I was just notified by email that on August 10, 2012 at the Professional Photographers of California Conference and Expo's Awards Ceremony, I will be receiving an award.  WOW!  An award!  I could not believe the email and had to read it a couple of times to make sure that I was reading it correctly.

I gave them a call real quick to find out what it was for, and to let them know that I would not be able to attend.  I did find out that I will be receiving an award for my photograph "Dinner Is Server" which received a Judge's Choice Award in the Western District Print Competition held earlier this year.

Now to see what happens in PPA's International Print Competition.  The judging takes place August 12 - 15.  I have four images entered.

Print Competition is a really big thing for me.  It is scary as can be to put your images out there, to be judged, not against other photographers, but against a specific set of criteria.  One of which is the title.  You cannot enter an image as "Untitled".  That title has to help tell the whole story and in some cases can be the deciding factor as to whether or not you merit on that print.

This is only my second year entering into print competitions.  I had put if off and put it off and put it off even more.  I never thought I was good enough.  Now, I wish I would have entered images earlier.  It really is a learning experience, and as far as I am concerned, you can never learn enough!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Trixie Found Her Inner Puppy

Last weekend I met this wonderful young lady and her forever mom.  Trixie has been in her forever home for just two months when we did her photo session.  She is a race track rescue and is learning little by little how to be a dog.  She is the sweetest thing, with the biggest personality.  Here is one of my favorite images from our session.  Her concentration is intense!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


It's Woof - Woof - Wednesday

Today we are going to talk a little about cropping and the difference it can make in your images.  As we go out with our cameras and photograph what ever it is that we love to photograph (in my case, DOGS) there are times when you just have to take that picture, you don't have time to move in closer or changes lenses.  Sometimes you visually love what you see, but when you take a look at the photo, there is something that just doesn't work.

Here are a couple of images from a recent session which demonstrate how much of a difference cropping a photo can make.

In the top photo, the trees and the white blob in the upper right hand corner (sky) take away from the focal point of the image, which is Colby. 

In this next image, just cropping out the the trees and the sky brings your focus back to Colby.  It is all about him now, not necessarily his surroundings and that is what I had intended.

 Experiment with cropping and see what you can do and don't forget to have fun!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Woof - Woof - Wednesday

Welcome everyone to Woof - Woof - Wednesday.  We will attempt to update the blog every Wednesday with images from a photo session (past or present), maybe some information on dogs or photography or photographing dogs and occasionally some whimsy just so we can get you to smile!

Today I would like to introduce you to Sasha.  Sasha is a 9 year old rescue with a definite Diva personality.  This girl has eyes that will take that treat right out of your hand without you even knowing it.

The biggest trick is getting a dog in focus.  With a dog portrait you usually want to get from the tip of their nose to the tip of their ears in focus.  To do this, you need to have an aperture of  at least f8.0, but preferably f10 or f11.  Sometimes you have to change all your settings to accomplish this.  This particular image was photographed using a Canon 7d with a 24-70mm f2.8 lens at ISO 400, f8.0 at 1/200 sec.  It was a pretty gray overcast morning with a bit of drizzle, and dogs don't sit still for very long.  Have fun and experiment!

Friday, July 20, 2012

I have been a little lazy this week, so I have been taking Gromit out into the field behind the house and playing fetch.  Usually I throw the ball/stick and he runs after it, pounces on it, then I have to go and get it.  So, rather quickly I learned (self taught) to throw the ball/stick in the direction I was planning on walking that day.  The wheat grass is so beautiful, I decided to photograph Gromit hanging in the grass.  What a goof-ball!  As soon as I get him to where I think he should be, he hears something and sits right down to see if he can see it.

The next day, I take him out again.  In almost the same spot, he heads into the grass, sits down and nose to the wind is smelling something.

I just love my goofy boy!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Meet Colby!  He is a 9 year young German Shorthaired Pointer.  A beautiful boy to watch when he is chasing his ball.  I met Colby and his sister on Sunday.  It seems that  a sister filled out an entry form at Rock the Block and well, they won a FREE photo session.  Colby is only half of the story, he has a rescued sister too.  Wait until you meet her.

The top photo was taken at the very beginning of our walk, talk, play, run, fetch session and the bottom photo was at the very end.  Colby did not want to go home, he wanted to stay out in the fields and play.  What a beautiful boy!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

I recently spent a some time with one of our 2012 Rock the Block winners.  He brought down his pretty girl "Baby" and his dad's pup "Paco".  Oh my gosh, they were great doggies to photograph!  Super well behaved and a blast to get to know and photograph.  Boy let me tell you, that little Paco was hysterical.  Here is one of his calmer more dignified moments.

Followed by one of his more animated moments.


They were both wonderful and their person was super nice too!  I had a great time and the doggies did too.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Oh my gosh.  It has been over a month since I've written or posted a photo.  A lot has taken place in that time frame!  I finished a fabulous photo session which included a custom Willy's and a 1959 DeSoto in original condition.  Both of these cars were beautiful.  Then of  course, there is Gromit.  I haven't done a huge amount with him, but he and a few of his buddies were involved in a 4th of July ad.  I photographed Gromit and three of his buddies individually and did a composite of them all dressed up and ready to go for the 4th of July.  It was great fun and didn't take very long to composite. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Today was one of those slow and mellow kinda' days.  Hiked our favorite place with our favorite friends, it was so peaceful and calm, we had a great time.  Even though there is a bit of steep up hill, the rest of the hike made up for that up hill climb.  The dogs were happy and tuckered out!  Gromit is always ahead checking things out.  Here is a great view of one of the paths we take on our hikes.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Installation of a 36" x 60" acrylic piece I photographed earlier this year.  It came looks absolutely amazing!  It is the focal point on the wall above the King size bed.  The colors and textures and overall feel are perfect for this room and this couple!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Annie's Mom made her image decision with the help of her daughters.  12 x 16 canvas.  Annie looks so wonderful with the beautiful blue skies and matching ocean!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I finished Sweetpea's Butterfly Wings image.  Love how it came together....

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Today I met up with Sweetpea and her parents for a little photo session.  Sweetpea loves to dress up, unfortunately the wind was a bit much today.  We were able to pull it off with a couple of fantastic images!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Oh my goodness, I have been having an absolute blast the past few days.  I met a new client to introduce and walk our dogs.  I brought my camera along jut in case.  We had a blast, and so did the dogs...
Gotta get that ball!

Friday, April 27, 2012

I am doing a little promo work for our local Relay for Life...which is having a Bark for Life event this year!  YAY!!!  It is going to be soooo much fun!  One of our local cancer survivors who plays a huge roll in getting everything organized asked me if I could photograph some of the doggies I know, including mine with the "Bark for Life" doggie bandana on.  It is so hard to get the to pose just right.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Then we met Bailey...such a pretty (goofy) girl!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

OMG...I have fallen behind!  Yikes!  Well, I guess the best thing to do is get caught up!  NOW!

OK, so here goes.  I have met a number of wonderful doggies the past couple of weeks and have had the opportunity to photograph a few of them.  Here is another photo of Andy on a sunny day at the beach he looks so handsome!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Fun with Gromit.  Life with a Boxer is never dull.  For that matter, life with a dog is never dull, at least that's what I hear. 

I had been having issues with getting the tack sharp focus that I am used to getting while photographing.  No, it does not happen all of the time, but it happens enough to know that something is goofy when you can't get anything in focus...my eyes...age...?  I accessed the menu on my Canon 7D and reset everything to default.  Then went back and changed the few things that I know I want turned on or off - too many menus sometimes.  Anyway, I took Gromit out in the field with the neighbor and their dog and captured him trying to remove the shrub from the ground.  He does like to help while gardening.  Anyway, yup, there was something amiss in the 7D and the reset seemed to have fixed it.  YAY!!!!  Now to go back an "lens align my lenses - again!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Meet Roscoe.  I had so much fun photographing this wiggle butt!  He is so funny, and the looks he gives you...they will melt your heart!  He is a clown in a Boxer suit!  Here he flattened himself out on the sand and just started to scoot himself
I am working on a few more images that will capture your heart, just like he captured mine!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Here is another beautiful boy sporting his new hair cut.  Andy is a wonderful young man.  Not too sure about that camera pointing at him.  He is so sweet!

Say "Hello" to Mackey!  He is the cutest thing on 4 paws and smart as a a whip.  He is not very tall, but fast, fast, fast, fast, fast!  When he stops running, he sits.

Friday, March 23, 2012

What a beautiful day, what a beautiful boy!

Friday, March 16, 2012

I am still in such a wonderful frame of being right now.  I attended a PPGBA (Professional Photographers of the Greater Bay Area) meeting yesterday evening.  The speaker (Laurie Klein) was fabulous.  She spoke about how she was constantly having to reinvent herself and intention manifestation.   All right up my alley!  This was followed by a print competition where we were able to enter two prints (usually it is only one).  There were so many prints in the "Portrait" catagory, as each one went by, my heart pounded harder and harder, I could barely breath...then finally, the title was read, "Dinner Is Served"  The room exploded with chuckles of laughter and delight as my portrait of Gromit the Boxer Dog was turned to face the judges....still holding breathe....score of 83!  WooHoo!!!  To many of you that may not mean much, but in the grand scheme of things, it's really good, the print earned a merit. 

This was followed by "Bah Hum Bug"  which scored and 80...also a merit!  What a great evening for me.  "Dinner Is Served" was high print score in the Portrait category!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I went hiking with the Hubby and Gromit yesterday.  It's the hubs day off and I normally have him take the dog out, but I felt like getting some fresh air and decided to bring my camera along.  There are so many trees and paths that make wonderful alley ways.  Love how this one came out.