Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Fun with Gromit.  Life with a Boxer is never dull.  For that matter, life with a dog is never dull, at least that's what I hear. 

I had been having issues with getting the tack sharp focus that I am used to getting while photographing.  No, it does not happen all of the time, but it happens enough to know that something is goofy when you can't get anything in focus...my eyes...age...?  I accessed the menu on my Canon 7D and reset everything to default.  Then went back and changed the few things that I know I want turned on or off - too many menus sometimes.  Anyway, I took Gromit out in the field with the neighbor and their dog and captured him trying to remove the shrub from the ground.  He does like to help while gardening.  Anyway, yup, there was something amiss in the 7D and the reset seemed to have fixed it.  YAY!!!!  Now to go back an "lens align my lenses - again!

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