Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 151

We were up early this morning and down at the harbor at 7:30. It was overcast, the sunny days have left us for now. Gromit had a wonderful time running and playing and runing and playing. He just loves the water. But, like most dogs, loves to get the water off of himself too.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 150

Another beautiful morning at the Harbor. We usually get there between 7:30 and 8:00, and it starts out slow, but little by little everyone starts showing up and then it is one big doggie play ground! Gromit is waiting and watching....he is either the "Beach Patrol" or a "Land Shark"!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 149

This morning we headed out at 7:30 with our neighbor and went to the Harbor. We were pretty early, so we didn't see our usual harbor-mates. Not for a little while, then little by little they started showing up. Everyone had fun! Here is one brief moment...

Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 148

This morning we went for a romp with our buddies, then over to a friends house for a few more hours of fun...actually 4 to he exact. By the time we go home, the last thing Gromit wanted was for me to take his picture, so this is the look I got.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 147

Our morning romp took place just as it started to rain. That didn't stop Gromit from running and playing with his buddies. By the time we finally made it back to the car, even I was starting to get wet through my rain gear, but Gromit was soaked. We did a quick towel dry in the car, along with a number of shakes (inside of car was now really wet). It was raining so hard on our way home, we were barely moving. I think we actually received over an inch of rain in just a few hours. It was amazing. Gromit ate his breakfast, looked out the window, crawled into my chair and fell fast asleep! The quiet after the storm.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 146

It was a beach adventure. Those are always fun, but this morning, Gromit decided to play catch with his tennis ball, by himself, in the water so no one could get his ball. Yes, he was throwing the ball up in the air and catching it.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 145

This morning we woke up to gray drizzly skies. Gromit was still tired from the weekend. I found him like this....

Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 144

This morning we woke up and headed straight for the beach. It was actually really nice too. Not nearly as cold as yesterday, nor as busy (yet). We had a blast...Gromit ran and chased his ball, and ran and chased some more. I finally caught Gromit before and during "the pounce"!

We headed back to the hotel, ate breakfast, packed up all our stuff, checked out and wondered up to see a few shops near the hotel, then headed back to the main town area. This time to wonder around and and look at houses and gates and doorways. It was a nice easy going weekend...for sure!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 143

Today is my birthday. Gromit and Tim thought it would be great to take me down to Carmel for an overnight, shopping, photos, and most importantly, the beach. We drove down late morning, totally taking our time. Checked into the hotel at noon-ish, but our bags inside and then got back in the car and drove to Carmel-by-the-Sea and wondered around the quaint little shops and checked out the cool little (but expensive houses) with the cool gates and entry ways. Here is Gromit in front of one of my favorite entryways...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 142

We had such a great morning, Gromit and I. The oringinal plan was to go to the harbor with Tim in the morning, but he informed me last night that he had to work. So, Gromit and I went to the harbor without him and we had a blast. We met up with a couple who have 4 greyhounds (I call them Team Greyhound) and walked with them for a while, then when we got around the point at Mavericks, Quilla and Pellar were there, so we ran an played with them for a while, or at least Gromit did, I just tried to keep up with the camera... Here is Gromit with Team Greyhound.

Day 141

Gromit is getting "Camera Wise". Today he just wouldn't look at me. So, I tried to capture his ear in different possitions. Those things just don't stop moving.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 140

Today, Gromit was so patient. We had to run an errand over the hill, so he road along with me, over and back. That took just a bit over an hour. I call my neighbor to see if she wanted to join me in taking the pups to the beach. I left a message. A few minutes later, my house phone is ringing, but I am on the was the neighbor...I went outside and waved at her. A few minutes later we were loading the kids in the car... What a beautiful day. Cold and windy, but beautiful!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 139

"Just throw the darn thing..." You can just tell that he is thinking something similar to that. If you look carefully, you can see the reflection in his eyes of my arm holding the dog toy that he is waiting for...pure dog torture!

Day 138

Gromit watching the Amgen Tour of California. We took a quick road trip up Tunitas Creek Road and found a great spot to watch the racers com by and to try and photograph them. Here is Gromit staring at some bicyclists just prior to the actual race coming through.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 137

"Squishy Face II"
I just love how distorted and smooshed and squished his little face gets when he lies down on a hard surface. It was a busy day, we made it out for a good hill hike and lots of running around by Gromit. Walked into the house just seconds before it started raining - again. He was tired...this is what I saw only moments later.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 136

This morning a friend of ours met us at the house at 7:30 so we could go to the beach and run and play. Tim stayed home sick (head cold) while we went to the harbor and met up with some of Gromit's weekend playtime buddies. Gromit just loves to run in the water.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 135

May 15th, already. The fog has rolled in, and has been here for a couple of days now. Makes for a dreary, dreary, gray, low energy kinda' day. Gromit and I decided to have a little fun with his "Tick", which he has pulled all of the stuffing out of. Here, he is wearing it.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 134

Today was one of those days that Gromit didn't even feel like getting up. When we finally did get moving, we went for a nice walk, with a little bit of running around, then back inside where it was warm. I swear neither of us wanted to do anything! I was sitting in my favorite chair, starring at the TV, mindlessly, when I thought now would be a great time to work with Gromit on a new trick. He is not thrilled about it, but just about anything for a treat!
"Hold it, hold it..."

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 133

Squishy Face....I love this look. This is pretty much what I see every night and every morning...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 131

Today we went up to work in the office. I working in the indoor office, and Gromit in the out-door office. It was a beautiful day and he played with his buddies all day. He came home and passed out for about an hour and them...boing, back into spazzy boxer action. He was running all over the house with "puppy". Took him out side, and would not come back in the house with took a while anyway. When he finally did come inside, he was bouncing all over the place with "puppy" hanging out of his mouth...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 130

We baked Peanut Butter Cookies today. Well, Gromit helped by watching and making sure I din't drop anything. If I did, he was there to clean it up - right away. Once we were finished with that, we hung out in the living room for a while. Gromit found his puppy teething keys, which he still loves to chew on, but then he heard something outside...

Day 129

Happy Mother's Day

And here he is, "Sleeping Beauty"

The best part is, he is stretched out and sleeping on Tim's side of the bed and on Tim's pillow...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 128

Today we woke up when we woke alarm clock, no nothin'! It was great, except that we were awake before 7:00 am. Gromit didn't even want to get up. As soon as I started to put on my socks, Gromit knew something was up....collar, leash, treats, frisbee, beach!!!! Here is Gromit in complete "contemplation"

Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 127

May 7, 2010
Wow, another interesting day. My knees and back hurt so bad right now that I can barely move. Gromit and I did make it out for a morning walk with our buddies plus a new friend from Houston, Texas. We made it to the beach in front of the beach house...the kids ran and ran and ran and ran, until they were barely able to walk back home.

Day 126

Grommie just got a new soft frisbee, and is learning how to catch it. Not fair trying to teach him in the front yard, but he caught it! It's not easy being the frisbee tosser and camera person...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 125

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

One Tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor...

Day 124

A busy day, and yet a relaxing day. We walked in Montara this morning, and hung out at home all afternoon. The sun was out, and Gromit seems to really like laying in the sun, but this is just

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 123

Another day in paradise...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 122

An absolutely beautiful day. Woke up this morning to sunshine, sunshine, sunshine and a cold, cold wind, but that did not stop Gromit and I from heading out to the harbor. We met up with some of Grom's buddies, all around the same age, so they all kinda act the same...he had a blast.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Day 121

May 1st - already! This morning Tim and I took the Gromlet to the harbor. The tide was soooo low, it was great. Acres and acres of room to run. What a great way to start the day. After chasing and fetching and chasing and fetching...

Gromit was picked up by his dog-mother and hung out for the day while Tim and I attended our nieces first communion in Pleasanton. Overall a really great day for everyone!