Wednesday, August 15, 2012


This evening my blog post is going to be much more personal.  I am still not sure if I should cry or jump up and down for joy.  Let me back up to Monday.  Monday I had to go in for a Colonoscopy.  This evening, at 6:30pm my Dr.  called...with both good news and, well, some not so great but really great news....I know - right, that makes no sense at all.  What he told me is that one of the polyps that had been removed during the procedure came back with pre-cancerous cells.  He told me that I was very lucky and that if I had waited even 6 more months that this could have easily turned into full blown invasive colon cancer.  Am I jumping up and down - I still shaking from the information - yes!  I do believe that things happen for a reason.  Don't put off those tests that you should have done, or in a lot of cases should have had done!!!  6 months is a long time and yet it is just a blink of an eye in the grand scheme of things.  I have to go back in December for a complete follow-up.  Am I still scared - YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT!  Am I relieved - YOU BETTER BELIEVE THAT TOO!  

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