I'm gonna toot my little horn here for just a minute - because I am really excited and surprised!
I was just notified by email that on August 10, 2012 at the Professional Photographers of California Conference and Expo's Awards Ceremony, I will be receiving an award. WOW! An award! I could not believe the email and had to read it a couple of times to make sure that I was reading it correctly.
I gave them a call real quick to find out what it was for, and to let them know that I would not be able to attend. I did find out that I will be receiving an award for my photograph "Dinner Is Server" which received a Judge's Choice Award in the Western District Print Competition held earlier this year.
Now to see what happens in PPA's International Print Competition. The judging takes place August 12 - 15. I have four images entered.
Print Competition is a really big thing for me. It is scary as can be to put your images out there, to be judged, not against other photographers, but against a specific set of criteria. One of which is the title. You cannot enter an image as "Untitled". That title has to help tell the whole story and in some cases can be the deciding factor as to whether or not you merit on that print.
This is only my second year entering into print competitions. I had put if off and put it off and put it off even more. I never thought I was good enough. Now, I wish I would have entered images earlier. It really is a learning experience, and as far as I am concerned, you can never learn enough!