Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 200, 201 & 202

Yes, I have fallen behind again...Gromit has been pretty sick, and the past week has finally caught up with me. It all started Friday, when he wasn't feeling all that great, Friday night, he woke me in the middle of the night to go outside. It just didn't sound good. On one hand it is really nice, Gromit does not like to throw-up in the house. Same thing on Saturday, and again on Sunday. We went to visit the vet on Monday. They gave him some sub-Q fluids, he wasn't really dehydrated, but with all that was coming out, it was bound to happen. He had blood tests done. Results came back Tuesday. Elevated pancreas levels - again. This is the third time now. We need to figure out what it is that is causing this. Anyway, today was the first day he really did a bit of running around, so I was able to get caught up.

Day 202

Day 201

Day 200

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