This morning I took Gromit to the harbor. We were the only one's there for a little while anyway...
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Day 211
Yes, it is another gray, dreary, sleepy kinda' day. Gromit and I went for a nice hike/romp this morning. Then I had lunch with a friend, then filled the boxer transporter with fuel. Came home to sleeping boxer. I guess it is just one of those kinda days.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Day 210
Keeping up a photo blog on your dog is not easy! Today, I set up another back drop, and tested the reflectance - not much, bery please, so ...Gromit, come here and sit for a minute. A couple of test shots later, we have a photo of Gromit pouting. Great, just great!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Day 209
Today was busy, busy, busy! Gromit and I went out for three, yes three outings today. Then, he had one of his buddies come over and play. Well, kind of. We had a photo session this afternoon with one of Grom's budds. So, Grom gets to be my assistant when I am setting up and making sure everything is where it needs to be, etc... During the photo session, I almost died laughing. I had to have Gromit sit off to the side while photographing the other little pup. He sat there soooo patiently. After a few more takes, I looked and both of them had these super long drools hanging down. I did not get a chance to capture that one, but the image is forever etched in my brain. Of course, the whole time they were both waiting for those yummy treats that I had in my hand....
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Day 208
The coastal fog just does not want to leave any room for blue skies. Dreary, gray, damp, cold, icky..., but Gromit loves it cause he doesn't overheat. Today though, it seemed all he wanted to do was sleep...
Monday, July 26, 2010
Day 207
Today I had to go shopping (had to), had to get the oil changed in the boxer transport vehicle and check out a parking lot location...Tim on the other hand was the one in charge of taking Gromit out for a nice long romp. I understand they went to the beach with the neighbor, but I can't be sure of it, no one is talking. So, today we spent a little time playing with light and red. Boxer Boudoir.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Day 206
Tim and I took Gromit to the harbor this morning, and we drove up at the same time as everyone else. It was great. The dogs ran and played and played and ran and then Gromit met a crab, and the crab was not happy with this encounter, but we adults had a really great laugh!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Day 205
This morning Gromit and I were up pretty early. We were at the harbor at about 7:45, and after a ton of running around and chasing and wading and splashing and more running around, we eventually made it home at 9:15. I am still exhausted! Gromit on the other hand could probably use another good outing. He seems to be feeling quite a bit better, not quite 100% at the beach, I could just tell, but just the same, he still thinks he is a greyhound when the show up!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Day 204
A busy day for the Gromlet. This morning it was breakfast followed by a romp with a bunch of his buddies. Then he napped while I went out for sushi (yay). Then this afternoon it was lunch followed by a romp with the neighbors dog out in the field. After that it was back home for another nap. Then this evening it was a yard play date, then a ride in the car followed by more yard play, followed by dinner and another nap. Here I was able to capture one of those non-napping moments.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Day 203
Again, today you could tell Gromit was getting back to his old self. At about 8:45 this morning he starts staring at me. Waiting for me to make a move to the door, 'cause that means it is time to go...out...somewhere...for a walk! So this morning we went for a romp with some friends, then came home and took a nap. A while later we went for a romp with our neighbor dog out in the field next to the house. Gromit loves this one spot. There must be a rodent compound there, because he is hunting and bouncing and boinging....
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Day 200, 201 & 202
Yes, I have fallen behind again...Gromit has been pretty sick, and the past week has finally caught up with me. It all started Friday, when he wasn't feeling all that great, Friday night, he woke me in the middle of the night to go outside. It just didn't sound good. On one hand it is really nice, Gromit does not like to throw-up in the house. Same thing on Saturday, and again on Sunday. We went to visit the vet on Monday. They gave him some sub-Q fluids, he wasn't really dehydrated, but with all that was coming out, it was bound to happen. He had blood tests done. Results came back Tuesday. Elevated pancreas levels - again. This is the third time now. We need to figure out what it is that is causing this. Anyway, today was the first day he really did a bit of running around, so I was able to get caught up.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Day 199
Gromit is still not quite 100%, but he is pretty darn close. There is now a hole the size of a basketball in the front yard, it seems that meandering through the field is NOT enough exercise for him...
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Day 198
Poor Gromit was not feeling well yesterday and this morning, but just before noon, I shoot a snack bag, and he came running. I gave him a treat. He took it gently and ate it with caution. He went outside and finally drank some water. I really was getting a bit worried. He truly wears how he feels on his face...his eyes all sad. It pulls at my heart strings every 4:00 pm, he was feeling much better. I did cook up some rice and chicken for him to eat over the next couple of days. He LOVES rice and chicken!!!!! Anyway, we went for a romp in the field with the neighbor. He ran around quite a bit, but not quite like normal...
Friday, July 16, 2010
Day 197
Gromit wasn't feeling very well at all today. He stayed home with Tim while I went to a Portrait/Family Portrait Seminar (which was fantastic). Anyway, I snapped this photo after I had gotten home of the poor little Grom looking pathetically through the fence.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Day 196
Today we went for a romp with a bunch of old friends and a young little spaniel. She was super cute and Gromit loved playing with her. Once we got home, it nap time, then lounge out in the sun time, then nap time, then more lounging out in the sun. Here was one of those brief moments when Gromit is lounging in the shade.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Day 192
Today we all woke up a bit early. Tim and I took Gromit to the harbor in hopes that we would run into some of his running buddies...luck was not in our favor, but we tried to get him to run around as much as possible...
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Days 188, 189, 190 and 191
I am still under the weather but needing to get so much stuff done. Tim's shift at work has changed so I have Gromit on my own on Saturdays. It was sooooo much more fun when we all would go out to the beach together. Oh Well! In a couple more months things will change again. Anyway, here are the past few days of Gromits adventures!
Day 191

Day 190

Day 189

Day 188

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Day 183, 184, 185, 186, 187
Yes, I have fallen behind...I came down with a terrible cold while enroute to socal to pick up a new old car. What fun that trip turned out to be. Eight hours down, coughing and sneezing and total and complete congestion, and nine hours back with car in tow. I had full intentions to take photos while were were traveling and down south, but that did not happen, so I had a few back-ups just in case of an emergency!
Day 187

Day 186

Day 185
Happy 4th of July

Day 184

Day 183
Day 187

Day 186

Day 185
Happy 4th of July

Day 184

Day 183

Thursday, July 1, 2010
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